Uplands Living Streets is pleased to announce the launch of our community crowdfunding campaign with Crowdfund Swansea, for a project bringing people together for a greener, happier, more friendly and more walkable Uplands!
Over the last few months, we’ve been discussing lots of ideas to improve our local community, including:
- cleaning up the back lanes,
- planting wildflowers,
- turning disused spaces into community gardens,
- growing herbs and shrubs together,
- community art and creativity,
- creating a visual identity for Uplands,
- reclaiming our pavements,
- slowing down the traffic,
- making Uplands more walkable,
- making Uplands more cyclable,
- monitoring and improving local air quality,
- celebrating local history,
- bringing people together for community activities,
- and much more!
With the launch of our crowdfunding campaign, Onwards and Uplands, we hope to start bringing these ideas to fruition! With your support and involvement, our volunteers will create small, beautiful interventions across Uplands and Brynmill to create a sense of pride, community spirit, inclusion and creativity.
From raised beds (planters) to grow herbs and shrubs, to “chatty benches” where people can get to know each other; from community art (inspired by the Keep the Mount Pleasant campaign) to an urban nature trail: let’s come together as neighbours and friends as we emerge from the COVID lockdown, and make sure everyone in Uplands & Brynmill feels welcome, included and appreciated.
We hope you will click here to donate to the crowdfunding campaign. Plus, there are lots of other ways to help:
- Volunteer to help with clearing back lanes and creating community gardens
- Create artworks inspired by Uplands history, community and wildlife
- Help us out with managing our social media activities
- Come along to our online meetings to meet people and get involved
Email us to join our mailing list for meeting invitations and updates, or Join Us to be part of the team!
Click here to follow us on Facebook and Instagram – and please share and help us spread the word!
We want to involve everyone in our wonderful Uplands community. Please share the below image with our Arabic-speaking friends, and let us know if you can help to translate our materials into other local languages!