Welcome to our new Living Streets Group for Uplands & Brynmill.  Uplands Living Streets is a volunteer-run local group, campaigning and collaborating for a greener, cleaner, happier & more walkable Uplands & Brynmill (Swansea).  We are part of the UK network of Living Streets local groups, working to bring our streets to life, with more walking in people-friendly public spaces.  If you’ve got an idea to make Uplands better, or would like to get involved in any of our featured projects, get in touch!

We are a small group of local people who want to help make creative, environmental and community initiatives happen in Uplands, so that where we live is safer, friendlier and less polluted for people of all ages, with opportunities to live, meet, shop and eat in pleasant surroundings.

We organise meetings to talk/learn about relevant topics, and local walks around Uplands & Brynmill, and we are also delivering a range of small initiatives following a successful community crowdfunding campaign.  This includes more benches, artwork and information around Uplands, promoting a greener, cleaner, happier and more walkable community!  There is lots of local support for these ideas!

If you support the vision of a cleaner, safer, more walkable Uplands and would like to be involved in this local group, or would like to join our mailing list, please get in touch!